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Walk Your Way To Wellness

  Walking is often overlooked as a powerful tool for improving both physical and mental health. In today's fast-paced world, where high-intensity workouts and extreme fitness trends dominate the conversation, the simplicity and effectiveness of walking tend to be underestimated. However, this fundamental exercise offers numerous benefits that contribute significantly to overall wellness. Physical Benefits: 1. Cardiovascular Health: Walking is an excellent cardiac exercise that gets your heart pumping, educating blood circulation and reducing the risk of heart diseases. Regular walking at a brisk pace helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, indorsing a healthier heart. 2. Weight Management: Though seemingly gentle, walking can aid in weight management . It burns calories, helps preserve a healthy weight, and can be a great totalling to a weight loss schedule when combined with a balanced diet. 3. Improved Mobility and Strength: Walking engages various muscle

This vitamin is essential when it comes to keeping your bones healthy.


Vitamin D or calciferol (also known as an "antirachitic" vitamin) is a fat-soluble compound that should not be lacking in your diet.

Its importance is due to the fact that it is essential to guarantee correct bone mineralization, since it intervenes in the absorption and fixation of calcium and phosphorus, which is why it is key to preventing osteoporosis .

On the other hand, vitamin D is also involved in blood clotting and muscle function , is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system , could have antitumor properties and, ultimately, plays an important role in general health, as indicated several studies.


Abnormal amounts of vitamin D can lead to some health problems, so it is important not to overdo it or let its levels in the body drop.

When there is a vitamin D deficiency

Having low vitamin D  leads to bone diseases , such as rickets, osteomalacia, and osteoporosis, which are characterized by lower bone strength.

In addition, numerous studies have shown that its deficiency is related to an increased risk of obesity and of developing cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases , even certain types of cancer such as colon, breast or prostate.

Low levels of vitamin D have also been associated with decreased cognitive function , chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis , psoriasis, and even  depression . A vitamin D deficiency can also be responsible for impaired muscle function.

When there is excess

As it is a fat-soluble vitamin, its excess can also be harmful to health. Too much can cause the intestine to absorb more calcium than is necessary . This can increase the levels of this mineral in the blood too much, which would lead to an increased risk of being able to damage the kidneys, soft tissues and bones.

It also increases the risk of forming food stones and can lead to disorientation. Symptoms of its excess also include nausea, vomiting, weakness, constipation, and weight loss.


It is advisable to make your usual diet contains several foods rich in vitamin D .

Fish (especially blue), eggs, mushrooms, butter, whole dairy products and foods enriched in this vitamin (milk, yogurt, butter, cereals, juices, etc.) are excellent allies. However, it is projected that only 10% of what we need is obtained through the diet.

The remaining 90% is achieved thanks to solar radiation , since our body can form it from the exposure of the skin to the sun's rays. In Spain, on average, sunbathing for at least 10 to 15 minutes each day is considered sufficient .


The deficiency of this vitamin is one of the most common in our country . That is why it is not surprising that on some occasions it is necessary to resort to the administration of vitamin D supplements (for example when exposure to the sun is not possible, in case of obesity, elderly people or those with dark skin).

However, as its excess can cause toxicity problems, these calciferol supplements must always be taken under medical supervision.

• Recommended daily dose : according to the Institute of Medicine of the United States, the recommended dose for adults is 15 micrograms / day in adults (20 micrograms / day for adults over 70 years).

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